  Thursday, 22 March 2018
  3 Replies
  6.2K Visits

I just discovered your application.
The MarketPlace function interests me Emoticon Smile

However, I would like to know if it is possible for the same product to be sold by multiple vendors ? Or if you plan to allow that.
So it avoids duplicates, and facilitates comparison for buyers.

An interesting example here : https://wedevs.com/dokan/modules/single-product-multivendor/

Thank you
Hello Phillipe,

Yes, that is what the USP of sellacious is, the Same product sold by multiple vendors, at a different price, in different geo-locations, with different shipping, tax, and coupon set.

Sellacious is built for building professional e-commerce and Marketplaces.

each and every view, the option is alterable using Plugins, on top of that we provide customization support at an unbelievable price of just 15$/Hour for sellacious users.

6 years ago
Thank you for your response.

Do you have any documentation about the USP?
Because I did not find information about it.

Thank you
6 years ago
video about the multiple vendors feature
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