  Wednesday, 10 February 2016
  1 Replies
  4K Visits
I get the following WARNING after install... visible at front and backend...

The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay SQL=INSERT INTO gguik_sellacious_prices_cache (price_id, product_id, seller_uid, qty_min, qty_max, cost_price, margin, margin_type, list_price, calculated_price, ovr_price, is_fallback, sdate, edate, product_price, product_seller_id, price_display, listing_type, item_condition, flat_shipping, shipping_flat_fee, shipping_country, shipping_state, shipping_city, shipping_zip, whats_in_box, return_days, return_tnc, exchange_days, exchange_tnc, seller_name, seller_username, seller_email, seller_company, seller_code, seller_currency, seller_mobile, pcx_id, client_catid) SELECT pp.id AS price_id, pp.product_id, pp.seller_uid, pp.qty_min, pp.qty_max, pp.cost_price, pp.margin,pp.margin_type, pp.list_price, pp.calculated_price, pp.ovr_price, pp.is_fallback, pp.sdate, pp.edate,IF(ps.price_display = 0, pp.product_price, 0) AS product_price, ps.id AS product_seller_id,ps.price_display, ps.listing_type, ps.item_condition, ps.flat_shipping, ps.shipping_flat_fee,ps.shipping_country, ps.shipping_state, ps.shipping_city, ps.shipping_zip, ps.whats_in_box,ps.return_days, ps.return_tnc, ps.exchange_days, ps.exchange_tnc,u.name AS seller_name, u.username AS seller_username, u.email AS seller_email,s.title AS seller_company, s.code AS seller_code,sp.currency AS seller_currency, sp.mobile AS seller_mobile,pcx.id AS pcx_id, pcx.cat_id AS client_catid FROM `gguik_sellacious_product_prices` AS `pp` INNER JOIN `gguik_sellacious_product_sellers` AS `ps` ON ps.product_id = pp.product_id AND ps.seller_uid = pp.seller_uid INNER JOIN `gguik_users` AS `u` ON u.id = ps.seller_uid LEFT JOIN `gguik_sellacious_sellers` AS `s` ON s.user_id = pp.seller_uid LEFT JOIN `gguik_sellacious_profiles` AS `sp` ON sp.user_id = pp.seller_uid LEFT JOIN `gguik_sellacious_productprices_clientcategory_xref` AS `pcx` ON pcx.product_price_id = pp.id WHERE pp.state = 1 AND ps.state = 1 AND (pp.product_price > 0 OR ps.price_display > 0) AND u.block = 0 AND s.state = 1 AND (pp.id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT price_id FROM gguik_sellacious_prices_cache) OR pcx.id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT pcx_id FROM gguik_sellacious_prices_cache)) ORDER BY ps.price_display ASC, pp.product_price = 0 ASC, pp.product_price ASC, pp.is_fallback ASC
Dear Crusader, Thank you for contacting our support. really sorry you faced this unfortunate problem.

The error is related to your server company, your server has abnormally limited SQL query limits.

Kindly show this error message to your hosting support and they will solve your issue.

Just for your information.

We have tested sellacious on following server providers:

1) Cloudaccess.net
2) Bluehost
3) Host Gator
4) Siliconhouse
5) GoDaddy
6) Ventraip

Do let us know your server providers and we will try our best to contact and request them to resolve the issue.

Looking Forward.

Thanks & Regards
Abhishek Agrawal
Founder, Sellacious
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