  Thursday, 14 December 2017
  2 Replies
  5.2K Visits
Hello to all

Well i need to figure out how to set search to find some products which have something in short description or in features list or in main description

Is there any option to do that?
I will be very greatful

Also how can i buy import option

im very interested in your product but now buissenes is in first stage opening and i want to see how will be reaction of clients.

Thanks in advance
7 years ago
Thank you for fast reply

I already using patch from forum it works.

But when search product you can only find via title and product SKU other filters not work

When we can expect new update or you can give me some code instruction to add filter.query

Thks in advance

Through our Sellacious Finder, which you'll already have with sellacious you can display descriptions in the search result. We have improved our search module but it hasn't released yet for public although you can use our patch for the latest update from community forum featured post.

To buy our import plugin: https://sellacious.com/apps-and-integrations/bulk-importer.html
And for any other Addon: https://sellacious.com/apps-and-integrations.html

And we are giving a special discount for those who are buying import plugin, we are providing free setup of importer worth $100.

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