  Monday, 11 December 2017
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  2.8K Visits
Hi Sellacious Team

Im almost done with designing my marketplace with the free version and expect to purchase a license soon after some questions are resolved.
1.Can i change the Sellacious URL (https://www.mydomain.com/sellacious) to something like (https://www.mydomain.com/dashboard)?
2.I have noticed the backend dashboard isnt mobile friendly.any solution to this soon?
3.Can i hide the items highleted in the image Fig 1 from the seller?
4.Quickview does not work on my homepage but works fine elsewhere.is this an issue with my template?im using the helix3 template
5.When i add to cart,can some text show below the product that i added soething?currently it shows on top and someone may not realise that.
6.Can i impliment a Loyalty Points system?

I hope some of these issues can be fixed and are not a problem.great product overall.Looking forward to some helpful information
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