  Saturday, 02 December 2017
  7 Replies
  5.4K Visits
Is there any way for me to disable the magnifying glass zoom option ?
I would like my customers to be able to click on the image instead.

Accepted Answer

You can disable zoom in sppagebuilder, by selecting your layout page it could possibly by the name 'Products', and on that page you see an addon placed on the very top left. Edit that and under Sellacious Tab you can select the option to disable Zoom. See Attachment for more clarification.

And we have introduced enable/disable zoom feature natively in sellacious global configuration also from v1.5.3, but if you have customised sellacious then it's better not to update sellacious by yourself.

6 years ago
Hello. I used such option in Global configuration and now the Developer mode is showing the following error:

592fdd4cb3aff53c1faacf1360dc18ea.js:462 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'css' of undefined
at Image.newImg.onload (592fdd4cb3aff53c1faacf1360dc18ea.js:462)

Please help me.

Another thing, how can I set the product image to be just an image without being background image? Why for? For other Joomla components to be able to identify better, for example a component to capture images for social networks open graph images. How can I set the images in <img /> tags as in some previous versions.

Glad to know your issue has been fixed.
Now can you please mark this post as resolved.

6 years ago
Thank you! It helped!
Accepted Answer

You can disable zoom in sppagebuilder, by selecting your layout page it could possibly by the name 'Products', and on that page you see an addon placed on the very top left. Edit that and under Sellacious Tab you can select the option to disable Zoom. See Attachment for more clarification.

And we have introduced enable/disable zoom feature natively in sellacious global configuration also from v1.5.3, but if you have customised sellacious then it's better not to update sellacious by yourself.

6 years ago

Can you please elaborate the answer on how to disable through sppage builder addon?

Hi Tim,

As of now, there is no option to enable/disable magnifying zoom glass in native layout but you can enable/disable magnifying zoom glass effect in sellacious product images addon sppagebuilder. We have already planed to add enable/disable option of magnifying zoom glass in our future release.

And regarding the click functionality on Image, we have to do a custom development for you.

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