  Friday, 01 December 2017
  2 Replies
  3.5K Visits
Do you offer support for Canada Post?

FYI, your Captcha is BEYOND totally annoying! What the heck is a flat anyway?

Right now Canada post plugin is not available if you want we can develop one for you.
Kindly post your requirement on contact@sellacious.com or in pre-sales category(forum).

And regarding Captcha sorry for your inconvenience but we are standard google reCaptcha and flat is Appartments.

7 years ago
Thanks for getting back to me and thanks for telling me what a flat is. Not what I was thinking it was thats for for sure and about your idea of what is Google Standard, well... maybe it was standard 7 or more years ago but certainly is not standard today. Might want to have a look at what they have developed this into because it is far less intrusive than the bloated Captcha you are using. The statistics showed the one you are using was a key metric that was proven to drive people away. O wait a minute, you must have updated it, I see now you are using the current one. No more stupid picture puzzle...Emoticon Wink
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