  Wednesday, 08 November 2017
  2 Replies
  4.8K Visits
Hello dear Sellacious team.
Here some features that in my opinion could be useful to add in Sellacious.

1. Meta Keywords for category: in Sellacious it is possible yet to add meta keywords for products but not for cateogires or sub-categories. It could be useful to allow adding it in order to improve SEO.

2. In case of marketplace enabled it would be useful to allow staff members to chose if they want to receive an email when a registered seller modify some products or add new ones.

3. In registration form clients are not allowed to chose their username. Superadmin is forced to add it by his own from backend. It would be useful to add directly it on registration form.

4. Pathway Joomla module stops at Sellacious shop first page. It does not follow category, subcatogy and products inside Sellacious.

Please let me know what you think about my suggestions.
Hi Gino,

Thanks for your suggestions, we will surely look into. Most of your suggestion is already been added to the upcoming version of sellacious which we will release soon.

7 years ago
One more suggestion:
- when clients select a category, products within seem to be shown randomly. It would be great to give clients the possibility to order products alphabetically
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