  Tuesday, 07 November 2017
  12 Replies
  5.9K Visits
Unless I'm missing something I'm not getting how the systems work.

I culdn't register as a seller so I set up one (seller) in the back end, now when I login all it allows me to do is check my orders and possibly purchase not set up shop add products etc.

Any documentation for this.

I might haveto delete and start again with another product.

Hi Joesi,

Can you please tell me which template you are using and for seller registration you have to select marketplace in global configuration.

7 years ago

I used the quick install so the template that is with that.

Also where in settings does it give the market option to select.
7 years ago
Do you mean this?

Picture attached

Hope you have explored options, if not please go to this page https://sellacious.com/documentation.html

7 years ago
The document don't help I'm afraid.

There is no seller dashboard front end.

How does a seller login and add products to their store front end?
Hello Joesi,

Sellacious dashboard is the only way to add a product in sellacious. if you are referring frontend as https://www.xyz.com it is still under consideration whether to support it or not.

As creating product require lot of information to be filled thus seller will login into https://www.xyz.com/dashboard (where dashboard is sellacious dashboard) seller will see the only information he is meant to see, you can control it from permissions (https://www.xyz.com/dashboard login as admin and in left menu under settings you will find permissions)

Let us know if that works for you. I am always available on skype and whatsapp if you need any further support.

7 years ago
If I do what you have said all I get is a blank page.
do you mean https://myste.com/dashboard/ ?

By default to open a sellacious backend actual URL will be https://mysite.com/sellacious.
But if you'd changed the sellacious folder in your root files then type the name of that folder after your domain.

7 years ago
Without a seller front end access this creates a very problematic sore and opens up administration security issues.

The various logins have to be separate surely?
6 years ago
Hello !
I have the same request....
How is it possible to configure a custom dashboard with limited options, just for sellers to be able to add products and administrate their own shop ?

Thank you !
6 years ago
Hello Vincolink,

You can handle the permissions for Sellers store from Sellacious Backend > Settings > Permissions. Select seller in the dropdown and update the permission as you want them.

After the above step login as a seller in the sellacious backend and you'll see the seller dashboard. You can also take a look at the sellacious demo to know more about this.


I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
Ok great ! I understand now, thank you very much ;-)

By the way, is it possible to create a common catalog of products without any prices that sellers can use to add in their stores the product they own and sell ? In fact, i don't want them to bel able to create their own products, i just want them to be able to sell the ones listed in my catalog.

Thank you :-)
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