  Tuesday, 07 November 2017
  11 Replies
  6.3K Visits
Shop ,logo change main and categories

How and where does one change the logo from sellacious to your own branding.

I located the main one, but when going onto categories sellacious appears instead of new branded one?
5 years ago
Hello Joesi,

what about when you go into shop menu and select say home appliances, this reverts to the sellacious logo and not the shop logo I have included as instructed.

You have changed the logo in default template layout. To change it on Shop/Home Appliances, please go to Joomla administrator > Extensions > Templates. Like if you're using Squick, please select "Squick - Left Sidebar" and change logo same as you did in other template styles.


I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
5 years ago
Ok, so what about when you go into shop menu and select say home appliances, this reverts to the sellacious logo and not the shop logo I have included as instructed.
The branding is all over the place and causes real issues.

I replied you how to solve this in your another post please follow that, if that wont solve let me know. If that solve kindly mark both posts as resolved.


Team Sellacious
5 years ago
The logo change in emails will not show the problem lies with the wysiwyg editor stripping the website link and reverting to .../images/whateverimage.jpg etc.
6 years ago
Hello Joesi,

Can I know which sellacious subscription you're using? The back-office logo is a premium feature. You can save this logo only when you have a premium subscription of sellacious.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
This doesn't work and will not save.
Hi Joesi,

Where is he logo or template to change the sellacious logo in the admin panel.

You can change the BackOffice Logo in Sellacious Main Configuration (see screenshot). You have to be a premium member to change the BackOffice Logo.

6 years ago
Hi Again,

Where is he logo or template to change the sellacious logo in the admin panel.

I don't mind sharing branding but the login for vendors should reflect my own store I think and I want to change this.
Hi Joesi,

This was already done, it has now updated, cache or something?

it was due to cache.

The email logos remain sellacious though, how do I change these?

To change the logos in emails, you have to modify/change the email templates as per your need.

Login to your sellacious BackOffice => Email Templates => Click on the name of Email Template to Edit => Click on "Edit in WYSIWYG" => Click on source code icon "<>" of WYSIWYG Editor => change the image src path of logo as per your need. see screenshots.

7 years ago
This was already done, it has now updated, cache or something?

The email logos remain sellacious though, how do I cange these?

Hi Joesi,

You can change the Shop Logo (used in Invoice, Receipt etc. ) in Sellacious Main Configuration. (see screenshot)

You can change the BackOffice Logo in Sellacious Main Configuration (see screenshot). You have to be a premium member to change the BackOffice Logo.

To change the Front End Site Logo, you have to navigate to Template Manager into joomla backend. YOUR_SITE/administrator/index.php => Extensions => Templates => Squick Default => Logo (see screenshot)

To remove the Sellacious Branding, you have to be a premium member. You can do this by setting "show sellacious Branding" to NO after getting the premium license. see screenshot.

To change the Branding you can use your custom module as changing the Branding is not supported/provided by Sellacious.

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