  Thursday, 02 November 2017
  1 Replies
  2K Visits
We are trying to build a multi-vendor marketplace ( with the free version for test purposes) using sellacious...
Right now we've reached the following issue:We are trying to test a new Seller's user experience at our shop... After registering a new Seller, reaching the Sellacious backend (with the new seller logged in), uploading some products, etc., we would like the seller to be able to go to his own store directly (in the front-end) to check out where and how the new products have been listed and placed.
We only managed to make a button for him (once he is back to the front-end) to check out all the products of all the sellers in the marketplace, but we can't connect the seller's ID to the link (...https://index.php/components/sellacious/?view =store&id=XXX). The XXX number (seller's ID number) we would like to obtain somehow automatically, but we can't figure this out, without messing with the php.... so:
Our question is: How can we connect this seller's unique store ID to the link so that he can go and check directly his own products/ store?

We will, probably, have more questions during our research, so we are glad that you have such a quick and helpful support Emoticon Smile

Thank you,
Kind regards,
Hi Emil,

This is your custom requirement to set a button on sellacious back-office which connect to the seller's store.

You can achieve this feature only for by some code modification. But be aware in case of sellacious update as it's not a part of the core sellacious.

Go to YOUR_SITE/sellacious/templates/sellacious/index.php

Before the logout button code block, just paste the code given below.

<!-- Go to Seller Store in Joomla frontend button -->
if (isset($helper) && $helper->seller->is()):
<div id="seller-store" class="btn-header transparent pull-right cursor-pointer">
<span> <a href="/../index.php?option=com_sellacious&view=store&id=<?php echo $user->get('id'); ?>" target="_blank"
class="hasTooltip" data-placement="bottom"
title="Seller Store"><i class="fa fa-building"></i></a> </span>
<!-- end Seller Store button -->

You will see a new button in top right corner for seller's store.
I hope you this can fix you issue.

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