  Thursday, 02 November 2017
  5K Visits
I'm having troubles with Sellacious registration form.
Here is the link to my website (https://www.uniappunti.altervista.org/). You can reach the Sellacious registration form by clicking on "Registrazione" button in top right position.
When an user try saving the informations entered, the following error appears (see Img1): "Error: Saving not allowed".

What could the problem be?

Img2 shows how the menu voice is set ("categoria visitatori is the client default category, I just renamed it).

Please let me know how to solve the problem
7 years ago
Oh my gosh, so easy solution!
I was sure to have enabled it and I believed that the error was do to Sellacious form.
Thank you so much.

Problem solved Emoticon Happy

Can you please check frontend registration is enable on your site or not.

7 years ago
Edit: "Registrazione" button is in top left position Emoticon Smile
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