  Friday, 27 October 2017
  5.4K Visits
Product Compare - ADD Products button not working and Position is above the slider.
I have seen in SQUICK template, once I add any product into the Compare List - Compare Button is appearing before slider which is difficult to Website Visitors to find it and ADD PRODUCTS Buttons are not working.

As quick solution let us know how to remove ADD Products button. Hope this will fix soon and please let us know how to bring the Compare Bar below the slider.

Attached a screenshot.
Hi Parashuram,

"ADD PRODUCT" in compare bar is not a button, basically it is just a placeholder which determines that you can add more products for comparison. Products can be added to Compare bar either on product listing page via checking the compare checkbox on hovering the mouse on a particular product OR on product detail page via clicking on "Add to Compare". Thats how the sellacious works. If you want to change the label "ADD PRODUCT", then you can change/override the language keyword for this in your Language file .

After adding a product to compare, the compare bar displays at top, not in the middle of any content part or module part as it will become messy or hard to find user what he added in the compare bar. That's why compare bar kept on TOP of the content and below the Menu.

7 years ago
Hi Sahil

Thank you for the reply, however, the Word ADD PRODUCT is confusing the user, I will change the same.

I reported two issues - you answered to one. Please let us know how to change the place of notification of compare notice. Now it is showing above the slider and not visible to customers.

Thank you
Hi Parashuram,

I reported two issues - you answered to one. Please let us know how to change the place of notification of compare notice. Now it is showing above the slider and not visible to customers.

There is no default method to show compare bar in different position as its a part of sellacious core. But for your issue we can do this via a module which i have created for this issue. you need to install this module and override some files if needed.


1. install mod_sellacious_comparebar.zip module via Joomla backend. i.e. Extensions=>Manage=>Install.
2. After installation, navigate to Extensions=>Modules, find Sellacious Compare Bar module and enable it.
3. Select Position of you template, Enter a unique class into "Module Class Suffix", set Menu Assignment as per your need, then save it.

if you want to show compare bar on multiple positions then just make a copy of compareBar Module and set it on different position.

You need to put/override the attached js file in the given directory. i.e. YOUR_ROOT_FOLDER/templates/squick/js/com_sellacious/util.compare.js
NOTE: extract js file from util.compare.js.zip

I hope this can solve your issue.

7 years ago
Hello Sahil

It works - thank you - If I able to bring notification bar like cart notification it will be good for me, any suggestions?

Thank you
Hello Parashuram,

Glad to know your issue has been resolved.

If I able to bring notification bar like cart notification it will be good for me, any suggestions?

Currently this suggestion not available as we have developed a module just for your issue. We will consider it in our Future Requests.

Please mark this post as resolved if your issue has been resolved.

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