  Wednesday, 25 October 2017
  14 Replies
  3.4K Visits
Urgent!! During seller registration


Could not instantiate mail function.

You must provide at least one recipient email address.
Hi Ankit,

Can you tell me what version of Sellacious, Joomla and Squick you are using?

7 years ago
I've used quick installation with following versions

Sellacious 1.5.1

Squick 2.3.2
7 years ago
Joomla 3.8.1
7 years ago
Shall I send website link ? Its a new installation so we have no problem if its help to resolver
Hi Ankit,

Go to YOURSITE/sellacious/index.php?option=com_sellacious&view=emailtemplates and click on email template for SELLER REGISTER => USER .
Set the option "Sent to Actual Recipient" to YES . If it is set to NO then you must provide valid email(s) either in Recipients, CC or BCC fields.

As we have tested out the seller registration on our demo site and it is working fine.

if your issue still persists then you can send us you site url and credentials via direct message so that we can look into it.

Could not instantiate mail function.

it could be due to your server error as mail setting are not correctly set.
7 years ago
I just got an email from host that they blocked mail function because your sellacious is abusing the mail function and they blocked the mail of my complete server. They sent the mails logs as well showing mails from sellacious. I seriously need someone to contact me on this urgent issue.Host is considering this as spam!
7 years ago
will you please respond. My host has disabled my mail functionality Emoticon Unhappy You script is sending several emails in each second. Shall I send email logs ?
7 years ago
Hi Ankit,

Did you go through the steps mentioned in our previous response?

Go to YOURSITE/sellacious/index.php?option=com_sellacious&view=emailtemplates and click on email template for SELLER REGISTER => USER .
Set the option "Sent to Actual Recipient" to YES . If it is set to NO then you must provide valid email(s) either in Recipients, CC or BCC fields.

If that still does not solve the issue then please send your server and website credentials via private message so that we can look into it more quickly.

7 years ago
I've already messaged you website credentials 2 hours ago
7 years ago
We need to look into your website files and database. Therefore your server / cpanel details are required.

Moreover, the website at englishtani.com is inaccessible.
7 years ago
Hi Support team, the website is not hacked the 403 error is because our host asked us to take down your script because it was sending too many emails in each seconds. We removed sellacious from our website as per our hosting provider instructions. That's why 403 forbidden message.

I can provide you logs if it helps you to fix the issue but right now I'm not feeling safe to use sellacious.
7 years ago
Can you provide us the full backup of the site (files+db) which was sending mass emails.
7 years ago
Sure. I'll email you today.
Hi Ankit,

Can you provide us the full backup of the site (files+db) which was sending mass emails.

Sure. I'll email you today.

We haven't received any email of backup files of your site (files+db) which was sending mass emails.

Please let us know if you still facing the same issue or it has been resolved.

If it has been resolved, please mark this post as resolved.

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