  Sunday, 22 October 2017
  3.5K Visits
I have told you about this in other post. It's that search box is not working as expected, it's not showing the results even though the Index (in Component -> Smart Search) show them. Please help me; you have my credentials.
Hello. Although the indexer shows results, there are no results when searching in the frontend. Please help Emoticon Smile
I have tried and tried to solve it and nothing. It's very strange. Could you please check it out? Don't you have such problem in your side in your last version?
7 years ago
Same problem I am facing
Hello. Now, Joomla articles are showing in results but not the Sellacious's products. Please help Emoticon Smile I have tried to solve the issue but nothing yet. Please help! Emoticon Smile
I see that results about content articles of Joomla are shown but not the products. I am a little frustrated about it. Please help me Emoticon Smile
Hello Adesh, we figured out the root cause we are working on it. hopefully, we will roll out the patch within next two working days.

sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Hello Abishek. Thank you very much for your support. I hope this solution helps others too since the searching functionality is so very important in a store.

Also, I would like you check it out the plugin Geek Elasticsearch available for Joomla and see if you may are interested in and make a plugin for it Emoticon Smile It's just a suggestion Emoticon Smile
Hello. Any news? Emoticon Smile

Please refer to this thread, as finder patch attachment has been updated.

Hello. I uploaded the updated patch today. I am using Js-Fashion. Results are being shown in the module but not in the component. Maybe it's necessary an updating for Js-Fashion since I notice there is a folder for Squick template but not for Js-Fashion. Please check the attachment to understand better the issue Emoticon Smile

Thank you very much for your help Emoticon Smile

You can also use the same patch for js-fashion too, just paste same files in js-fashion template which is in template/squick folder but exclude css folder of squick.

Also, I notice that the module is showing only the results from the Sellacious component itself but not those of Joomla (for example articles). Sorry for posting so much here; I hope this be good to improve your product Emoticon Smile
You can also use the same patch for js-fashion too, just paste same files in js-fashion template which is in template/squick folder but exclude css folder of squick.

I did it, replaced the files for Js-Fashion but the same error is still: No results in component. Could you please check it out. You have my credentials Emoticon Smile
7 years ago
Same problems for me as shown in picture attached
Hi everyone,

We have updated the Patch of Finder module for the templates respectively. Please follow this thread https://sellacious.com/community-support/1256-patch-for-sellacious-finder-module-issue.html to update the finder module.

Please download and update your patch as instructed in post.

7 years ago
Thank you, now it works for me Emoticon Smile
Yes. It works ok for me currently. Thank you very much
Hi everyone,

Glad to know the problem regarding to Finder has been solved now for you.

If it has been resolved, please mark this post as resolved.

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