

Different types of pricing

How to Set Pricing of a Product

Learn how to set the price of a product by this tutorial.

  1. To set pricing for your product, first Navigate to Shop on the left side of the panel. Then, Click on Product Catalogue option from the dropped down menu. 
  2. Add the product in the catalogue for which you want to set pricing and go to Pricing tab of the Product edit window.
  3. Add the new Cost Price and Profit Margin of the product in the Pricing tab. By setting profit margin, the seller will have the record of how much profit he has gained by selling the product.
  4. Set a Fixed Price of the product on which the product will be sold. If fixed price is not set, the calculated price(Cost price+Profit margin) will be shown to the customer.
    Pricing4 1
  5. Set the List Price of the product. 
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  6. You can opt to set Call us for price to make a buyer call the seller to know the price of the product.  
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    Pricng6 1
  7. You can opt to set Email us for price to make a buyer mail the seller to know the price of the product.
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  8. You can also opt to show query form for buyers so that they can send their queries to the seller about the product.  
    Query Form
  9.  Save the pricing details to show at the front end. You can set the pricing for already existing product in the catalogue by using the same method.
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