An eCommerce Joomla Template - free yet equipped with sample data, built on Helix Ultimate framework with SP Pagebuilder lite and integrated with Sellacious, a powerful and easy to use eCommerce solution.

Template Version
Sellacious Version
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SQuick is a simple, powerful eCommerce Joomla template. SQuick promises a design coded while keeping in mind the requisites of an eCommerce store and products. Ensuring a wise performance with an assuring page speed and is also a SEO friendly template intact with the following features:
- Responsive eCommerce Template
- SP Pagebuilder Lite
- Sellacious SP Page builder Addons
- Based on Helix Ultimate framework
Integration With Sellacious
SQuick is closely integrated with sellacious powering its functioning with Sellacious and supporting each of it’s feature and tab. Configure your theme with the extension and start your online store with so many unique features available.
- Multiple payment gateways
- Marketing-friendly
- Return Merchandise Authorisation
- Handling of tax and discounts
- Latest and Related Product Module

Easy edit with SP page Builder Lite
Layout Builder

Need Customisations?
Now Starting at 15$/hr
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..and Start your eCommerce today.