  Sunday, 16 August 2020
  6 Replies
  2.1K Visits
I know that you have limited the visible categories so as not to "block" the screen. In our project, however, Gardenora, we need to be able to view all the categories that are 20-25 and will not create the problem. Is there a setting to increase the number of categories? How can we manage it?

Thank you
4 years ago

There is no such setting to show more categories in product edit, for now there is only 20 categories are showing in product edit.

4 years ago
We need to change it.
Please, could you tell me which file to edit to make a hard code change?

PS: I recommend adding an option; we will not be the only ones with this need

Thank you
4 years ago

I am adding this as a feature request and ask the management team for approval. If approved, we will work on this. If not, you can order customisation for your site.

4 years ago
ok, but while I wait for your evaluations, I want to make a hard-coded edit.
Can you please tell me which file I can edit?

Thank you

You can change the limit on this file /sellacious/components/com_sellacious/models/forms/product/basic.xml .
Line no. 18 where the limit = 20 currently.
4 years ago
Perfect, it works.

Thank you!
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