  Monday, 15 June 2020
  1 Replies
  1.7K Visits
I want to advise you to change the way you save images on the filesystem, in order to reduce the stress of the operating system when using the filesystem.

Now you save many images in the same folder and this is stressful fo the filesystem.

Before releasing the stable version of Sellacious 2.0 I recommend you apply a new rule, the same one that uses bindCommerce when it publishes products on Sellacious:

When bindCommerce has to save the product images with id 123456 it goes to put them in the folder:

[your root images folder]/1/2/3/4/5/6/123456/

In this way each folder will contain at most:

  • 10 folders or
  • the images of 1 product

If you need it, you can look (and copy) at the function we wrote in the bindCommerce scripts in the component folder /com_bind_jecommerce
4 years ago

Thank you for suggesting this solution. We will work on the file system soon.

Thank You
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