  Monday, 24 February 2020
  14 Replies
  2.5K Visits

first of all i want say "Thank you" to the comunity and developers who work to this great Project ie.Sellacious

I'm a newby and i'm facing an issue whith sppb addon plugin. I installed the plugin but i cannot find spbb tab under global configuration as shown in documentation.

Can you give me some help?

Thank you again.

5 years ago
Hello Al,

Thank You for choosing sellacious. We are trying day by day to improve sellacious.

How did you installed sellacious? SPPB plugin is only available with our quickstarts. You can download it separately from https://www.sellacious.com/resources/sppagebuilder-addons here.

SP Page builder should be installed to use these add ons.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
Hello, thank you for your answer.

I installed Sellacious using joomla install from web.

Then i installed page builder and last i installed sellacious sppagebuilder-addon.

I can create template page for products or categories and assign them using the category template property but not using sppb tab in global configuration as it is missing.
5 years ago
Sorry if i'm noising you again ,

but i don't understand if the tab SPPB tab on Sellacious global configuration could be available installing sppagebuilder-addons separately. or ONLY if i install the quickstart

If i install the sellacious squick quick start package all works but if i install separately joomla+sellacious+page builder + sellacious addon , SPPB tab is not show in global configuration while the category edit the template tab is present after installing the add on

am i missing something or Is this a bug?

Thank you again for your work and support
5 years ago
Hello Al mapo,

The separate plugin is not updated, and that's why you are having this issue. We have noted this down, and we'll update the separate plugin. I suggest you use the quickstart package of sellacious.

I hope this helps.

Thank you
5 years ago
Ok thank you again for your hel Vijaya Emoticon Happy
Hello. I can't see the SPPageBuilder option in the admin in the version 2.0. Is that normal? I would like to modify the template of products, is there any way?
4 years ago
Hello Adesh,

This SPPB Plugin is available in the demo. If you have installed the squick 2.0, you can view the product details page with the page builder addons in the Camera category.


I hope this helps.

Thank You
Yes. That options of templates are present in the Category options.
4 years ago
Hello Adesh,

Are these options are not available in the global configuration?
Are these options are not available in the global configuration

No sir. It doesnt appear un the Global configuration. I am using the 2.0 version.Please help !!!
4 years ago
Hey Adesh,

Please install this package again. If it still doesn't work, let me know.

Thank You
Hello. I installed the package and it worked ok; now, the SPPB Templates tab appears.
4 years ago
Tab appears but when I pick a page to use as the template it does not save the options. I have emailed support for assistance anyways.

Adesh Johnson Is it working for you OK?
It worked ok. But I noticed that apparently the template that one use is not selected, but it is really chosen. There is a bug there Emoticon Smile
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