  Thursday, 26 September 2019
  12 Replies
  3.1K Visits
At the change of status of the order in administration it is possible to put notes for customers such as the order tracking code, the name of the courier, the tracking url, etc. but in the email to update the order to the customer these information is not notified and it is not possible to put it in the email template because it seems there is no shortcode for this information, how does the customer know about these things? it seems to me that they don't even appear in the frontend in the management of customer orders. This seems like a big problem to me.
Furthermore the status of the orders is not translatable because if I change the name of the state in the settings ->status in administration they remain in one language only.
Finally a curiosity in administration we have a Delivery Orders section but when do we finish the orders inside? I would expect them to be moved to that section when the order status is Delivered but it doesn't happen.
5 years ago
Hello BindCommerce,

At the change of status of the order in administration it is possible to put notes for customers such as the order tracking code, the name of the courier, the tracking URL, etc. but in the email to update the order to the customer these information is not notified and it is not possible to put it in the email template because it seems there is no shortcode for this information, how does the customer know about these things?

Noted this issue. We'll fix this in the future releases of sellacious.

it seems to me that they don't even appear in the frontend in the management of customer orders. This seems like a big problem to me.

User can view the shipping details submitted from Sellacious Backend, in the order details page.


Furthermore, the status of the orders is not translatable because, if I change the name of the state in the settings ->status in administration they remain in one language only.

Noted this issue. We'll fix this in the future releases of sellacious.

Finally a curiosity in administration we have a Delivery Orders section but when do we finish the orders inside? I would expect them to be moved to that section when the order status is Delivered but it doesn't happen.

Delivery order section is to manage the Delivery orders for a particular date. It's another feature of sellacious, which can be activated from Sellacious Backend > Settings > Global Configuration > Hyperlocal Settings. Enable the options as your choice.
Now, you need to configure the Seller's profile for the delivery.
After configuring, you will view the options for slots and dates in frontend. Orders with these configurations appeared in the Delivery Section.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
For me not see the shipping tracking information saved see the screenshot, how can we solve this problem?
5 years ago
Hello Bindcommerce,

Can I know which template you're using and sellacious version?
5 years ago
Sellacious 1.7.3 and template: Vina ifood
5 years ago
Unfortunately I confirm that the display of the tracking information for the order status shipped also exists in your demo, I have installed an instance of your quickstart and the behavior is the same as on our site the data is not stored in the administration and therefore not see in frontend.
This is another bug we will need that the things we have reported to you these days are resolved we cannot go online with these bugs.
5 years ago
I confirm the important bug, when I change the order the notes and other information are not saved I tried also in an instance of your quickstart.
Furthermore, the frontend seems to be okay because editing your customizations in override I could see that there is a code to view this information but since they were not stored in the database they cannot be viewed.
@team look into this.

The coming version will not have any override and the associated issues with them and will run smoothly on all templates of joomla.

We will cross-check and get back to you on this.

Team sellacious
5 years ago
At the change of status of the order in administration it is possible to put notes for customers such as the order tracking code, the name of the courier, the tracking URL, etc. but in the email to update the order to the customer these information is not notified and it is not possible to put it in the email template because it seems there is no shortcode for this information, how does the customer know about these things?

For now on the 2.0.0alpha3 this issue has not been resolved.
Now we are going to test the other reported issues.
5 years ago
Hello Paolo,

Can you check this after the latest update I made today (Sellacious version 2.0.0-alpha5)? For customer notes, you can use customer notes shortcode in the email templates. As for the shipping details in the email templates, there's a button of track order in the email, which redirects to the order details page, where use can view the shipping details.

I confirm the issue with the customer noted in the order details page and we're working on it.
5 years ago
I confirm that there is a problem because the notes entered during the change of the order status are not stored:

5 years ago
Hey Paolo,

Can you try now? It was a sample data issue. In sellacious backend > Settings > Statuses, Shipped status wasn't allowed from Packaged status of Order context. I allowed this status on your site and it's working.

Please check Order ID SO0F2437175M0030.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
Ok perfect the problem seems solved, thanks.
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