  Monday, 01 May 2017
  11 Replies
  4.2K Visits

I don't really understand how the sellers get paid on a MarketPlace setup.

What I understand is that if the buyer uses Paypal to buy a seller's product, the money is added to the site admin paypal's account.

Now, how does the seller get paid?

What is the complete process to get the transaction completed, how the commission fees are taken?

How do we transfer the money to the seller account? I don't find any setting where the seller can give his paypal email? Same email that his profile's email?

If he has to pay the seller back by paypal after taking commission fees, when or how does the site admin know that the product has been delivered and received?

With this MarketPlace option, I think that you have a very interesting e-commerce solution and I'd like to buy a first app but I really need answers to thoses questions concerning marketplaces.

Thanks to pay attention to my requests!

Hi Michel,

Yes, You are right. Money does go to the Admin's PayPal(or any other gateway used) account.
The Seller can go to dashboard and request a withdrawal. Sellacious shows how much money he can ask for(Sales Value - Store Commission = Money in his/her account). There are withdrawal notes where a seller can put his preferred way of paying plus details. Admins receive notifications on change of every order status i.e Admin would be aware when the order is delivered.

Please let me know if there are any further queries.

7 years ago
Hello Ankit. I tested to make withdrawals to an user but after it happened the total balance of the user was not decreased which is supposed to occur. Please see the attachment. And also please test the flows evolved in the process of adding balance and withdraw in general to check if they are ok.

Another thing. A buyer chooses Cash on Delivery as payment method. Suppose that the seller is in charge of shipping the product and also to receive the payment. After approval of payment, what is expected to happen to the balance of seller in Sellacious? Should it increase or continue the same? Noiice that the client is paying directly to the seller who is in charge of the shipping.
Hi Adesh,

I tried the same on my account but couldn't replicate the error of withdrawl. See the attached screenshot. If you could just tell me the steps to reproduce, I will give it another test.

As per for the second enquiry, The balance would increase in Seller account after approval is done.
6 years ago

so as I understand from above - when I want to setup a multivendor, all payments are collected to my account and I have to take care to about sending to sellers their money??? No posiibility to set up a payment possibilities for each seller?

Thank you and best regards.
6 years ago
Hello Kristian,

when I want to set up a multivendor, all payments are collected to my account and I have to take care to about sending to sellers their money???

This is sellacious default method, and you have to manually send the money to the seller.

No possibility to set up payment possibilities for each seller?

With the help of Stripe Connect, money can go to the seller's stripe connect account directly after all the calculation sellacious does. That way you don't need to send money to sellers manually. Below is the link for the Stripe Connect plugin in sellacious.


I hope this helps.

Thank You
6 years ago
Thank you for the replay.

Is there a way this payment method is disabled by default and replaced by a classic bank transfer, so when the payment is done, the seller updates the status of an order?

Thanks again.
6 years ago
Hello Kristian,

Seller's can still update their order by themselves.

As for the default transaction method, this can be disabled, and to send the seller's money directly in their account, I said in earlier comment, you can use Sellacious stripe connect payment plugin.


I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
Ok, thank you.
Hello. Please think on the following situation:
1. A seller creates a different account to buy a product.
2. With this different account he/she purchases a product of his own store.
3. The payment of the order is set in: Payment pending approval.
4. The same seller (who was the same that made the order) approves the payment.
5. The system increases the balance of the seller.

In this way, the same seller can purchase a product of himself and approve the payment and increase his own balance. That is clearly a vulnerability. How can I configure the sellers NOT to be able to update the payment status but be able to update the shipping,...?

I am using the version 2.0beta. Thank you!!!
4 years ago
The only problem I see with this payment method is if the buyer has a dispute they would like to submit via Paypal. As the site admin I would be sending the payment to the seller so the dispute with the seller would come to me as that is who the buyer sent payment too.

How does this work?

Also does Stripe offer this kind of seller protection?

I'd prefer if we could set it up so buyer can send payment directly to sellers so there isn't this man-in-the-middle process. It opens a can of worms when dealing with disputes and currently is holding me back from setting up a marketplace. I want to setup a marketplace similar to eBay so person-to-person sales can go through not really a multi-vendor marketplace.

4 years ago
I have just had a response by one of your support staff who have answered my questions, thank you.
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