  Wednesday, 26 December 2018
  3 Replies
  2.5K Visits
Hey there,

I'm about to set up a marketplace via sellacious. My need is to connect grave owners with
cemetery gardeners.

Unfortunately I did not find any good solution for restrict the operating radius of a cemetery gardener (seller) with sellaious. I even tried to make it through categories in the different towns!? Hope there is a better way to do so.

Has anyone made any experience with super local marketplace products with sellacious?

Thank you very very much!
6 years ago
Hello Thomas,

You can use Hyperlocal Package of sellacious. This module will help your customers (grave owners) to locate the sellers (cemetery gardeners) in their location. With the help of hyperlocal, sellers can set their location and define the radius for their work.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
Where to find the „Hyperlocal Package“? I couldn’t find it in the documentation or in the app store.

I only found the Settings menu (Settings/Global configuration/Hyperlocal Settings) where a Google API Key is asked.

I can’t figure out which Google API is meant as there are dozens… As said: No documentation.

So I just typed in store radius: 30.000 meters – is this really all it takes to limit the Operation area? Does this Impact only users of my marketplace that are registered or how does sellacious find out?

I would really appreciate a completion of the documentation of sellacious.

Looking forward to hear from you!
6 years ago
Hello Thomas,

Please take a look at this link


This is the brief documentation for hyperlocal of sellacious. As we're working on hyperlocal to make it more powerful, we will update this doc according to that.

I hope this helps. If there are any confusion regarding or any suggestion regarding feel free to suggest.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
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