  Friday, 11 March 2016
  9 Replies
  4.4K Visits

I installed and get a 503 Server Error when I select Sellacious from the Components Menu in Joomla v3.4.8
I'm not sure why this is occurring when all other pages are working with no issue.

9 years ago
Accepted Answer
Hi Abhishek,

Thank you so much for your help and fixing this for me! You have gone above and beyond!

I really appreciate your help!

Warmest regards,
Hello Kellie,

Sellacious is multivendor system and use a bit of complex queries, few shared server companies alot very limited resources to websites, and through 503 errors.

I can surely help you.
Please provide me following details:

1) which server company are you using?
2) is it shared hosting?
3) Can you please allow us to look into your installation/administrator panel?

Let me know and we can discuss further.

My Skype is: bhartiy.com in case you want quick support.

Thanks & Regards
Abhishek Agrawal
9 years ago
Hi Abhishek,

Thank you for your quick response.
I use site5.com for my hosting. I don't know what is meant by shared hosting....

I have created a log-in for you for the backend of the site:

username: Moderated
Password: Moderated

If you could take a look for me that would be much appreciated.
I did a fresh install of Joomla today and all other Sellacious components appear to have installed.


Thanks for the admin access, however from next time kindly provide these kind of sensitive details in Private Message, as this is public area, everyone can read your and our conversation. I am moderating your post and removing the access details right away.

I am looking inside your panel for possible problems.

Will get back to you ASAP.


I just had a look, unfortunately you have provided very limited access, I cant look at the global config, cant manage extensions, I need to re-install the extension (if that is okay with you, hope you have not inserted any data yet)

If possible kindly provide me super admin access, and FTP access.

This support is 100% free and we will use these access only for fixing any related issues, you can change/delete them when issue is fixed.

If you agree kindly reply and PM me the access details.
Thank you for proving all the access we need.

We are looking into your website, it will take some time.

I will email you once we solve the issue.

Thanks & Regards

I did a rigorous testing, your server is absolutely fine, the Joomla installation over which you were trying to install sellacious has issues.

1) it is not fresh joomla
2) it seems it is installed by using Fantastico software, it modifies joomla a bit and few big extensions like sellacious may find trouble on fantastico installed Joomla

I just freshly installed Joomla on your server here:

where both joomla and sellacious working fine.

Sellacious Backoffice:

Access will be messaged you

I installed Helix3 template for bit broader look.

Sellacious Frontend:

Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Thanks & Regards
9 years ago
Accepted Answer
Hi Abhishek,

Thank you so much for your help and fixing this for me! You have gone above and beyond!

I really appreciate your help!

Warmest regards,
Thank you Kellie,

Never forget when ever you find any trouble using sellacious we are here to help.

If you like our support please rate us on JED.

Thanks & Regards
9 years ago
I definitely will Abhishek!

Thank you so much!!

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