  Friday, 08 December 2017
  2.1K Visits
Dear Support Team

There seems to be am issue with the search integration.
Hope that you can advice.

1. Smart Search Module: I added the Smart Search module as described here https://sellacious.com/documentation/configuration/incorporate-search-box.html)
The index of the search module is up-to-date and contains the products.
But on the frontend no search results are visible.

2. Tested the Sellacious Finder Module with "Sellacious" Finder Integration settings. No search results.

3. Tested the Sellacious Finder Module with "Joomla Finder" Finder Integration settings. No search results.

4. Squick Patch: Replaced all files using your patch (https://sellacious.com/community-support/1256-patch-for-sellacious-finder-module-issue.html)
except the css files in the /templates folder because I am using the protostar template.
Still no search results on the frontend.

5. Jsfashion Patch: Replaced all files using your patch (https://sellacious.com/community-support/1256-patch-for-sellacious-finder-module-issue.html)
except the css files in the /templates folder because I am using the protostar template.
Still no search results on the frontend.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


As per the first point, documentation was for the previous version of sellacious, we are removing that.

For the search functionality, you have to use Sellacious finder.

If you have selected Sellacious Finder Integration, then you don't need to index in smart search component.
Only if you have selected the Joomla Finder Integration, you have to index.

And regarding patch, if you are using protostar replace files from patch except for template folder files.

If still, you are having the issue please send me your site credentials over the Direct message.


I did look into your site and found out, there is MySQL issue on your server.
Actually Sellacious search work by creating product caches first and due to the issue, your sellacious wasn't able to create the cache.

Error while refreshing cache was:
Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline.

I suggest you resolve this and login to the sellacious backend -> Product Catalogue and on top of it you will see refresh cache button if it successfully works then your search will start functioning.

7 years ago
Thank you very much for your help Asfaque Ali Ansari !

I added the following line to my mysql configuration file (my.cnf).
Now it is possible to update the product cache.

innodb_log_file_size = 512M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 512M
innodb_strict_mode = 0

Now if I click on the search result, there is a warning (There are no sellers currently selling this product.)
But in the product properties a seller is specified.
Hope you can give me a hint.
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