

How to Set Shipping Rules

Setting Shipping Rules for Your Store

Learn how to set shipping rules for product orders.

  1. To create shipping filter for your store, first Navigate to Shop on the left side of the panel. Then, Click on Shipping Rules option from the dropped down menu. Shiprule1
  2. Click on New button to create a new shipment rule. Shiprule2
  3. Add the new shipping rule information in the Shipping Rule [edit] window. Shiprule3
  4. Set Client Categories under the Client filter section on the right side of the window to apply the rule to a particular client’s group. Shiprule4
  5. You can opt to set Geolocation filter below the Client filter section, to apply the rule for a particular location on your store. Shiprule5
  6. Set Product filter on the downside of the window, to apply the rule for a particular product category or product. Shiprule6
  7. Lastly, click on Save button to save the shipping rule details. Now, it is readily available to run on your store. Shiprule7
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