Introducing Sellacious v1.4.5

We are all jacked up to introduce Sellacious v1.4.5 placing on deck some exciting and useful features at disposal. As we talk about the same in details, scroll for more -


Compatibility: Joomla v 3.4.x and above

PHP 5.3.1 onwards including PHP 7.x


Sell anything from anywhere:-

With the release of this version, Sellacious makes sure you can integrate external apps to sellacious cart using CART API and Tracking API. Just Pass Name, Price and any other info you would like to sellacious API and sellacious will process it using its rich cart rules/tax/shipping/payment/credit or cart plugin like a native product. You can also query status of that product or order using Tracking API Plugins.


Authorization of Users:-

Now with the update, You can choose to add authorized persons of any organisation, who can order on behalf of the organisation. And also can set rules and limits on the access and roles of the approved user.



Credit Limits:-

Sellacious 1.4.5 now allow defining credit limit of any Organisation and/or authorised users of that institution. Configuration for Credit days is also enabled default credit limits and if the user can benefit that method if no credit limit is assigned to him.



Purchase Orders:

v1.4.5 introduces plugin based purchase orders; You can ask your business clients to mention purchase order no and upload purchase order if they want. Helping you run and manage your orders fuss free.


Resale Tax Certificates:

Tax waiver certificate got an upgrade, Now you can configure geo-locations where tax waiver is applicable under Global Configurations head, and also, can save tax waiver certificate in user profile. Resell with ease and let the users pay the taxes.



Stock and Overstock Sales Fixed:

Sellacious now gives you the option to let your buyers not consider stocks while making a purchase from the front-end. You can set over sales limit and opt for accepting pre-sales with the use over sales limit as your pre-order tool. You can configure the limit of how many products in access can be purchased even when the product is unavailable.


Location based search bug fixed:

Location based search on Front-end had some Filter bugs, with the landing of the new version we have made sure it runs smooth and proper now, All the bugs are fixed.


Menu Manager:

The menu of Category/subcategory can be created from menu manager now to let you save ample of time, and reducing any extra efforts.



Product Menu:

You can now place different modules on category view page and Product detail page respectively.

A generalized Product menu can be made to assign item ID and to position modules on menu locations now.



Order Payment:

You can now give your buyers the benefit of paying for failed orders from order's page. The feature help minimizing the efforts of going through the whole procedure of ordering all over again.



Many other Bugs squashed [Nearly 10]